The forces of nature perfected in our laboratory


Our laboratory experts choose high-quality diamond seeds. It is very important that there are no flaws in the seeds. The best seeds are carefully placed on a metal disc placed in a chamber for forming diamonds


A metal disk with diamond seeds is inserted into the reactor to form a diamond. Both processes are used in our laboratories - high-pressure high-temperature (HPHT) and chemical vapor deposition (CVD)


Over the next 10-12 weeks, the seeds undergo various processes. The combination of gas, pressure and temperature creates an environment in which carbon atoms disintegrate and drip onto the seeds. Over the course of weeks atom by atom, layer by layer the seeds turn into rough diamonds


These rough diamonds both after the HPHT method and the CVD method possess the same chemical, physical and optical properties as mined diamonds


The rough diamonds are then cut and polished according to the strict standards at our modern factory. The experience of our master grinders and laser techniques ensure that each diamond will be carefully cut and polished to obtain a beautiful and truly cultured diamond


Our diamonds are ready to be set into jewellery